Goodbye, Berlin

Friday was my last day at the German language school in Berlin, where I had been attending classes for the past 8 weeks. I had been with some of my classmates and teachers for the entire 2 months and we really bonded. I mean, how could one not foster sympathy for one’s courageous, ambitious, andContinue reading “Goodbye, Berlin”

The many ways a cello can break

Life lessons I learned after my tuner peg flew off my cello at orchestra rehearsal Monday. Broken I’ve been reflecting on fears, and the many limits of humans after this incident. As a cellist/musician, one of my deepest fears is that my instrument breaks (and heaven forbid it break in front of other people!!!). Well,Continue reading “The many ways a cello can break”

Further In the Labyrinth…

My life has been in regression since returning home. I was blessed with many fruitful friendships this semester and personally matured. Therefore, I was understandably sad to leave this new life last week to return home. Walking back into the house felt odd, as the distance had greatly widened between my younger self (whose lifeContinue reading “Further In the Labyrinth…”

[The Importance of ] The Struggle

Dealing with uncomfortable feelings is hard. Living a life of virtue is difficult. Making prudent decisions is confusing. Thankfully, I have amazing friends who are walking this path to holiness with me and we encourage each other along the way. Needless to say, I am experiencing a lot of grey zones this semester. By greyContinue reading “[The Importance of ] The Struggle”

Life Musings

My mind is spinning from everything that’s been happening recently. Each day seems to bring so much change and chaos with it. Here are updates on my friendships, musings, and thoughts that bring me hope amidst the non-stop movement of life. Death– There’s been a lot to pray about lately. I was shaken up thisContinue reading “Life Musings”

Where Do I See Hope?

Amidst all the overwhelming negativity, I believe it is important to cultivate a habit of gratitude and hope. Here is where I find hope in my daily experience: I see hope in friendship, messy and imperfect as it can sometimes be. It is the joining of experiences and mutual support that adds untold richness toContinue reading “Where Do I See Hope?”

Free as a Fish- On Changing Perspectives

Change your Perspective The world is so much larger than our thoughts. I have noticed my thoughts are oftentimes repetitive and inaccurate, creating negative feedback loops that sabotage my efforts. A way I combat this is through changing my thought pattern. Perspective is important to understand in order to obtain peace with life. Often, theContinue reading “Free as a Fish- On Changing Perspectives”

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