In spite of discomfort- on the challenges of being a traveler

My journey to Switzerland began smoothly but quickly became a test of my composure and endurance as a traveler. Last Saturday, I boarded the night train to Zürich and took my seat in the humble sitting cabin (not a sleeping cabin because yours truly is on a budget). The cabins were oppressively hot- the kindContinue reading “In spite of discomfort- on the challenges of being a traveler”

My 1.5 hour commute: hypoglycemia, flowers, and an Italian chef

Sometimes I analyze my life ad think: “my life is a freaking TV show.” My commute to school took 1.5 hours today and involved 3 different modes of transportation. Needless to say, when the tram announced the street of my school, I was so relieved I could’ve hopped off and kissed the ground. I haveContinue reading “My 1.5 hour commute: hypoglycemia, flowers, and an Italian chef”

My College Saturday

I lay outside for hours in the autumn breeze yesterday, alone but not lonely. I have finally found a life balance where I neither feel stretched too thin nor too idle. The past two years, I felt out of balance and lonely, like I was supposed to be with a friend enjoying life. Because ofContinue reading “My College Saturday”


If I were an animal, I’d be a hermit crab. I am a very private person, but this trait never really bothered me. In fact, I used to take pride in it! But I’m now aware of the harmfulness of being too closed off: it chokes relationships, keeps me isolated, and sucks the excitement outContinue reading “Openness”

Where We Place Our Attention

Where we place our attention matters deeply. Our objects of focus have the power to influence our perceptions, moods, and lifestyle. For example, religious people place their attention to that which is above them, causing them to place high importance on charity, holiness, and spirituality. On the flip side, those who are always distracted haveContinue reading “Where We Place Our Attention”

Free as a Fish- On Changing Perspectives

Change your Perspective The world is so much larger than our thoughts. I have noticed my thoughts are oftentimes repetitive and inaccurate, creating negative feedback loops that sabotage my efforts. A way I combat this is through changing my thought pattern. Perspective is important to understand in order to obtain peace with life. Often, theContinue reading “Free as a Fish- On Changing Perspectives”

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