In spite of discomfort- on the challenges of being a traveler

My journey to Switzerland began smoothly but quickly became a test of my composure and endurance as a traveler. Last Saturday, I boarded the night train to Zürich and took my seat in the humble sitting cabin (not a sleeping cabin because yours truly is on a budget). The cabins were oppressively hot- the kindContinue reading “In spite of discomfort- on the challenges of being a traveler”

January Change

New year, new living space! Yesterday I moved into a house which I will be sharing with five other girls this spring semester! Yesterday was a day full of change and emotions- I said goodbye to my mom, sister, and brother, drove four hours from home to school in Ohio, packed up my old apartment,Continue reading “January Change”

Dreaming & Thinking

These are changes in my life I won’t be able to articulate until I am much older and have seen them through. When I lay in bed at night, my mind goes on a journey that inevitably soothes me to sleep. Sometimes I go back to my memories at my grandparents’ house and walk throughContinue reading “Dreaming & Thinking”

End of May Thoughts from a Nighttime Odyssey

May: another month whose days blurred together and hours crawled to the bitter, muddled end. It feels like society is being dismantled, from the George Floyd riots to quarantine controversy and anger. On a personal level, May has been a dynamic month, and it’s only fitting that I close a chapter in my life asContinue reading “End of May Thoughts from a Nighttime Odyssey”

Questions on self-sabotage, routine, & self-improvement

I’m laying in bed under my puffy white comforter. The top right corner of my laptop screen is displaying: Mon 9:07 am. When I wake up, my world is very blurry (because I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses). My large windows are filled with vibrant green leaves from drenched trees- ah, it’sContinue reading “Questions on self-sabotage, routine, & self-improvement”

Thoughts from Quarantine- written March 22, 2020

            The email from the university came at 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 10th. The email telling over 8,000 students to go home within 24 hours. No more in-person classes.  Earlier that evening, I had met up with my older sister for dinner, who also goes to the same university as I do. While we ate ourContinue reading “Thoughts from Quarantine- written March 22, 2020”

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